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drop-in rates +
membership options

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class cards


Perfect for the dancer who is looking to attend 1-2 class per week or less
-All class cards & memberships must be activated within 30 days of purchase
-Class cards are valid at any location & for all virtual

5 class


$24.00 per dance class

-Valid for 2 months

10 class


$19.00 per dance class
Valid for 3 months

50 class


Don't like contracts, but love taking 3-4 classes a week? This is a fantastic option.​​


$14.70 per dance class

-Valid for 9 months

30 day


Visiting Vancouver, spring break...this Unlimited pass is perfect for those who have a chunk of time and wanna dance!​​

-Valid for 30 days

20 class


$15.75 per dance class
-Valid for 6 months

gift card

Virtual gift cards are available in any denomination.
*No physical card will be sent  

recurring memberships


Recurring memberships are valid at any location & for all virtual classes!
30 Days Written Notice to Cancel​​

10 classes


$14.50 per dance class

-Month to month

15 classes


$11.66 per dance class
-Month to month

20 classes


$9.75 per dance class
-Month to month

monthly unlimited


This is a month to month contract basis membership that allows you to the dance as often as you like! No long-term commitment.


$5.60 per dance class

Access to all iDance on Demand classes!


Visiting Vancouver, spring break...this Unlimited pass is perfect for those who have a chunk of time and wanna dance!​​

-Valid for 30 days

*If none of our membership options fit your budget,

please contact us for custom package options!

intro offers




The first time in either location is $10

We want you to be able to experience all

our locations at least once.

30 day



Dance at any studio

+ take as many classes as you want!

​Valid for 30 days

All class cards & memberships must be activated within 30 days of purchase


drop in


Dance at any studio

You've already taken your very first class but would like to try out another class or two first.

Also perfect if you just plan on taking a class once in a while.

iDance offers a NO CHARGE rollover policy for class cardholders.
If you purchase a NEW class card within 7 days of your active class card expiring,
we will happily roll over any remaining classes into your new card.

Or pay...

60 Day Extension $95
*All extensions are manually adjusted please chat with the front desk

class card extensions

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